Tuesday, February 6, 2007

not too philosophical...please

And please don't feel you have to be too philosophical... unless of course you want to!


BaB said...

The S6 video on this web includes a stop motion animation portrait of a male...who resembles Che Guevara, Sigmund Freud, Rasputin, Jim Morrison and Sting...? Does this pose the question "I am who?" or "who am I?"

BaB said...

Good question!

BaB said...

Some interesting discussions have been occuring in the Globe and Mail (one of Canada's national newspapers) regarding ethnic enclaves that have increased in number over the past few years. The headlines are almost racist in tone" "Cracks in the mosaic: The number of etic enclaves is exploding. Are they are an impediment to integration?" G&M Thursday February 8th, 2007